
Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, also called a tummy tuck, is indicated when patients have excess skin, fat and/or abdominal wall laxity.




What to Expect

Abdominoplasty surgery typically lasts around 3 hours but might take longer in some cases. The procedure can be done as an outpatient but we usually recommend an overnight stay at the surgery center. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and we inject a medication called Exparel to help with postoperative discomfort. 

The procedure involves removing excess fat if needed, tightening the abdominal wall, removing excess skin and repositioning the umbilicus (belly button).  This is a typical abdominoplasty but variations may be indicated based on each individual’s needs. 

One or two drains are placed and usually stay in 1-2 weeks. 

Due to the more extensive nature of this surgery, patients usually experience moderate discomfort. 





After surgery, you will wear an abdominal binder or garment for at least two weeks. You will be educated on drain care and how to monitor the output of the drains. 
You will need to avoid heart rate elevation for 2 weeks and avoid any activity using your abdominal muscles for 6 weeks. 

Some patients prefer sleeping flexed at the waist in a recliner or with their back elevated on pillows. 

We will see you one day,one week, 6 weeks, and 6 months after surgery. 



Frequently asked questions about tummy tucks

Abdominoplasty will involve a scar around the umbilicus and a scar along the lower abdomen. These scars will fade over time but do not go away. Each individual will scar differently. 

It would depend on what type of abdominoplasty is performed, if other procedures are performed at the same time and if you stay overnight. 

Absolutely. Abdominoplasty can be performed with other body or breast procedures. However, we may suggest staging surgeries if they would take too long or for safety reasons. 

Abdominoplasty patients experience moderate discomfort. We place a long acting local anesthetic called Exparel to help with postoperative pain. You will also have a prescription for pain medication if needed. 

That would depend on what kind of work you do. It is important to avoid heart rate elevation for the first two weeks and we ask you to avoid activities or exercise that uses your abdominal muscles for 6 weeks after surgery. 

It depends of which type of surgery you had. Some scars from previous surgeries could compromise the blood flow to the tissue and the surgical plan might have to be adjusted. 

Every surgery carries potential risks. The incidence of complications is low with abdominoplasty but includes bleeding, infection, fluid collection (seroma), impaired blood supply to the skin leading to necrosis. This is not a complete list but includes the common potential complications. 

Smoking, medical issues such as heart disease, history of bleeding or clotting disorders, previous abdominal surgery (see above), high BMI, certain connective tissue disorders. 

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